Pet Blog > Caring for Dogs with Limited Mobility


Caring for Dogs with Limited Mobility

Looking after dogs with limited mobility is a demanding task. It can, indeed, be very time-consuming. However, if you are aware of good quality nursing techniques, you can really make a difference in your pet's comfort and better manage their mobility. There are numerous areas when it comes to nursing that are important. This includes physical therapy, bladder support (accidents happen), and respiratory management. Decubital ulcers or urinary infections are issues that you can help your pet with as well.

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If your pet is struggling with disabilities, we are sure you must have done your fair share of research on how to best care for them. In this article, we are going to discuss dogs with limited mobility and looking after them.

Looking after dogs with mobility issues requires patience to ensure they lead as normal as possible of a healthy life. After all, it is quite a commitment to look after pets with disabilities. Frequently, it can often get exhausting. So, make sure you take care of your own mental and physical wellbeing so you can be there for your pet.


Dog paralysis

Dog paralysis results in loss of motion due to disruption in communication between its spinal cord and the brain. Dogs or pets, in general, suffering from paralysis, face problems urinating. It reaches an extent that they are unable to hold it in. In some cases, they are not able to empty their bladder. You may have to empty it for them.

Are you wondering how you can do that? Gently apply pressure on the abdomen. Make sure to ask your vet to do it for you so you could learn and practice.


Practicing better hygiene is a must when helping them with the bladder. You must clean and pat them dry to prevent infections. In addition to this, keep a keen eye on the urine’s smell and color as any changes can be a sign of a major problem. Since we are on the topic, you must keep the dog’s skin away from coming in contact with feces or urine. However, you never know when it does. Therefore, we recommend using a saline solution to wash any area that has come in contact with it. To do this, you can use special wipes for dogs. Baby wipes can seem like a harmless alternative, but these may irritate your pet's skin, so refrain from using them if you see any signs of irritation. Irritation can occur due to the difference in the pH level of a human and animal's skin. Something else I've used in the past was an ordinary spray bottle of saline solution the quickly clean my pet before toweling her dry.

Decubitus ulcers

Decubitus ulcers form on the protruded parts of the body as they are the areas under constant pressure. This includes the elbows, periocular bone, or hips. Aside from the pressure, illnesses or mobility impairment can cause nutritional deficiencies. This, in turn, causes decubitus ulcers to develop.  To best prevent these ulcers, it is very important to keep changing the dog's position frequently and keep them moving. Other than this, engage in programs that teach home pet therapy techniques so that you can help your dog with the movement. You can give their limbs a massage as it will provide their muscles with much-needed blood circulation. If you feel this is something you can’t do on your own, we suggest it is best to go to a professional having expertise in physical therapy for dogs.

If your dog has already developed them, you can use ointments or apply aloe vera for the healing purpose.

Dog wheelchairs to help with limited mobility

A dog with limb weakness can take the help of a dog support harness. This will make it easier for her to climb the stairs or get inside the car. In addition to this, if you are looking for more support, a dog wheelchair to support back legs is exactly what you need.  A rear support harness is another alternative.

Speaking of a dog wheelchair, it can help prevent decubitus ulcers. To add to this, when a dog loses its ability to mobilize, they may experience depression due to a loss of independence. A dog wheelchair can help your dog reclaim their independence and greatly improve their mental well being. However, we strongly recommend that you always first check with your vet to determine what wheelchair will prove to be the most suitable one for your dog.


Are you looking for a dog wheelchair? Check out the great prices available at DogPetSmart.

Their quality products include both full-body and rear-support wheelchairs in a variety of sizes and colors (you know your pup cares about color)!


Take them for a walk

Dog paralysis should not keep you from taking them for a walk. Experts recommend you take them for a walk whenever it is possible. We understand how limited mobility can be discouraging, but even if it means putting your dog in a wagon or stroller, they will enjoy the time with you and time outdoors. But, as discussed above, there are special dog support harnesses and a dog wheelchair option that can bring in feasibility.

You must be wondering why we are stressing so much about taking them for a walk. Well, to begin with, dogs enjoy a heightened sense of smell. In fact, it is a very big component of their overall personality. Their mental health depends on these walks as they need to experience different environments and be among other animals. You will see a noticeable change in their physical health when you will meet their emotional needs. So, don’t miss out on those walks!

Take care of your dog’s diet

Mobility issues lead to nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, it is crucial to give your dog the best diet for a speedy recovery. Other than this, there are issues other than paralysis that might be the reason for the nutritional imbalances. Therefore make sure to consult a vet to know what you need to feed your dog. For instance, your dog might be experiencing kidney issues. Such a diet will be different from what you would provide in case of paralysis. To deal with a kidney problem, a low-protein diet is what your dog would require. 

Many times, a vet recommends adding a certain supplement to speed up the healing process. All in all, it is of paramount importance that you meet their daily nutrient requirements to ensure proper healing and recovery.


Taking care of a pet of any kind with mobility issues is tough, and few of us would sign up for it instead of a generally healthy pet. But, speaking from experience, caring for your mobility-challenged pet brings you closer together and they do really appreciate the extra care. Our friends over at Dog Wheelchair LIFE can provide even greater information about caring for your mobility-challenged dog.


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